Lecture by Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova


Date/Time: Thu Mar 23 2023 16:00 ~ 18:00
Place: 304 Multimedia Conference Room Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, TUFS Online meeting


Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” will invite Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova in collaboration with Central Eurasian Studies Association. She will give a lecture “The Russian Statistical Science of the 19th Century: The Impact of the Consumption Theories on the Colonization of the Kazakh Steppes”.

Speaker: Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova (Astana IT University, Kazakhstan)
Title: “The Russian Statistical Science of the 19th Century: The Impact of the Consumption Theories on the Colonization of the Kazakh Steppes”

Moderator: Jin NODA (ILCAA)

Language: English
Admission: Free
Pre-registration is required.
For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 22nd Mar.

Contact: nodajin[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp (please change [at] to @)

Sponsored(Co-sponsored) by:
Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”(Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC Hokkaido University) Project Number: 20H05823), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)“Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”(Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA, TUFS) Project Number: 20H05825), Central Eurasian Studies Association

For the latest information, please refer to the following link.