Consortium for Asian and African Studies(CAAS)


  • The 14th CAAS Symposium will be held on October 25-26, 2024 at Columbia University (USA)
    “What is genocide, and what can universities do about it?” [Extended Deadline for submission: July 17, 2024]
  • The 13th CAAS Symposium will be held on November 9-10, 2023. Click here to view the poster in PDF.
  • 2023.4.21  [Call for Papers] The 13th CAAS Symposium (Nov 9-10) 2023 at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) ***Deadline Extended[closed]
    Theme: "Multiculturalism Revisited" [Deadline for submission: June 30, 2023]


  • The 13th CAAS Symposium (Nov 9-10) 2023 at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS)
    Theme: "Multiculturalism Revisited"[Deadline for submission: June 30, 2023]

About CAAS

CAAS was inaugurated in March 2007 by five higher educational institutions worldwide including TUFS that lead the Asian and African studies, in order to strengthen collaboration in research and education activities.

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Member Institutions

Seven institutions from France, the Netherlands, China, Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan are participating in the Consortium.

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Reports on joint academic events such as researcher/student exchanges, international conferences, seminars, symposia, and lectures; development of joint research projects and joint training of young researchers; and publications.

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Executive Coordinator

The executive coordinators from each of the participating institutions.

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Contact us

Administrative office of Consortium for Asian and African Studies
Office for International Affairs, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

TEL: +81-42-330-5594
E-mail: intl-service [at] *Please replace [at] with @
Address: 3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183 8534 JAPAN
