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  • Assistant Prof.Ran MURATSU won the 19th International Institute for the Study of Religions Award


Assistant Prof.Ran MURATSU won the 19th International Institute for the Study of Religions Award

March 25, 2024

The ASC member of whom an assistant Professor Ran MURATSU won the 19th International Institute for Religious Studies Award for her publication, Demons of the Gulf of Guinea: Ethnography of Affect and Possession in Christian New Religions (written in Japanese, the Japanese title is『ギニア湾の悪魔―キリスト教系新宗教をめぐる情動と憑依の民族誌』 published by Sekaishisosha in January 2023), received the 19th International Institute for Religious Studies Award. This prize is awarded to a publication or doctoral dissertation of outstanding "modernity," "internationality," and "substantiation," with the aim of promoting the study of religion based on contemporary issues and contributing to the development of young scholars.

The award ceremony took place at the 70th Anniversary Symposium of the International Institute for Religious Studies, held at the University of Tokyo on February 17, 2024. For the reasons for the award, please see the website of International Institute for Religious Studies. (Only available in Japanese)