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  • The 61st "Book launch seminar: African Land Reform under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities (Editor Shinichi Takeuchi)"

ASC Seminars

The 61st "Book launch seminar: African Land Reform under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities (Editor Shinichi Takeuchi)"

September 7 (Tue.) & 10 (Fri.), 2021


The book, African Land Reform under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities (Shinichi Takeuchi ed., Springer), is to be published in October. In this two-day seminar, authors introduce their chapters and discuss the findings together.

?Title: Book launch seminar: African Land Reform under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities (Editor Shinichi Takeuchi)

?Date & Time: September 7 (Tue.) & 10 (Fri.), 2021 6:00 - 7:30 pm (JST)/9:00 - 10:30 am (GMT)

?Venue: Online (Zoom Meeting)

?Language: English

?Admission: Free

?Pre-registration is required. Please register from here by Sep. 5, 2021. The application will be closed as soon as the capacity reaches 300. We will send the Zoom Meeting information to the registered email address on Sep. 6, 2021. We accept a participant who can attend only on Sep. 7 or 10.

?Jointly Organized by African Studies Center - TUFS, Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies, JSPS KAKENHI project "Resource managment and political power in rural Africa" (Grant number: 18H03439), and JSPS KAKENHI project "Rural resource management and the state in Africa: A comparative analysis of Ghana and Rwanda" (Grant number: 19KK0031).


Day1 Tuesday, Sep. 7, 2021 6:00 - 7:30 pm (JST)/9:00 - 10:30 am (GMT)

Shinichi Takeuchi (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies <TUFS>, Japan / Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization <IDE-JETRO>, Japan)
Introduction: Drastic rural changes in the age of land reform

Kojo Amanor (University of Ghana, Ghana)
Land administration, chiefs, and governance in Ghana

Akiyo Aminaka (IDE-JETRO, Japan)
Politics of land resource management in Mozambique

Peter Narh (University of Ghana, Ghana)
Traversing state, agribusinesses, and farmers' land discourse in Kenyan commercial intensive agriculture

Day 2 Friday, Sep. 10, 2021 6:00 - 7:30 pm (JST)/9:00 - 10:30 am (GMT)

Horman Chitonge (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
'We owned this land before the state was established': The state, traditional authorities, and land policy in Africa

Chizuko Sato (IDE-JETRO, Japan)
Land tenure reform in three former settler colonies in southern Africa

Teshome Emana (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
Post-Cold War Ethiopian land policy and state power in land commercialisation

Shinichi Takeuchi (TUFS, Japan / IDE-JETRO, Japan)
Land law reform and complex state-building process in Rwanda

<Book Information>

¡ôTitle: African Land Reform Under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities

¡ôPublisher: Springer

¡ôPublication Date: October 2021

¡ôMedia: Hardcover (53,49 €), Softcover (42,79 €), Online (Open Access)

Please visit here for more details.


The 61th ASC seminar was held online on schedule. There were 50 participants who joined the seminar on 7th, and 35 participants on 10th.

At the beginning, Prof. Shinichi Takeuchi, who was an editor of the book explained the aim and outline of the book, being followed by each author's presentation on the chapters which he/she writes.

Lively discussion took place among Japanese and African scholars after the presentations.
