
Monday, June 24, 2024 13:30~15:30 (JST)

Dr.Gloriose will give a lecture at Kyoto University

On Monday, June 24, 2024, Dr. Gloriose, an invited associate professor, will give a lecture at Kyoto University. Title is "Governance and Parks' Management: Participation of Local Communities, Key to a Successful and Sustainable Conservation Program. Case Study of Nyungwe National Park." More Info: Report On 24 June 2023, invited visiting associate Professor Gloriose gave a seminar entitled "Governance and d Sustainable Program. Case Study of Nyungwe National Park" at the Kyoto University Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall. She presented her fieldwork-based research on environmental protection of national parks in Rwanda and the right to use their resources.Local knowledge, community participation and gender were the keywords of the seminar, and students interested in Africa and students from Africa actively asked questions and engaged in heated discussions.
Other Events
Thursday July 4th, 2024 5:40p.m.~ 7:10p.m. (JST)

The 92nd “Kru Wage Labour in the Nineteenth Century: Exploring Multidisciplinary Sources”

The 92nd ASC seminar will feature Jeffrey Gunn Ph.d. Jeffrey is active in a diverse range of fields, but this seminar will focus on the history of Africa in the late 18th century, including wage labor contracts with West Africa and Great Britain. If you are in the area, please join us. Title: "Kru Wage Labour in the Nineteenth Century: Exploring Multidisciplinary Sources" Lecturer: Dr. Jeffrey Gunn (Ph.D. York University) Abstract: By the late eighteenth century, the ever-increasing British need for local labour in West Africa based on malarial, climatic, and manpower concerns led to a willingness of the British and Kru to experiment with wage labour contracts. This talk explores the important roles the Kru in the Kru coast (modern Liberia) served in the Royal Navy as they forged a unique identity amongst other African laboring groups. Short Bio: Dr. Jeffrey Gunn is a versatile historian, author, consultant and musician whose work intersects history, literature and music. Gunn recently published his book "Outsourcing African Labor: Kru Migratory Workers in Global Ports, Estates and Battlefields until the End of the 19th Century" (De Gruyter, 2021). ◆Date&Time:Thursday 4 July, 2024 5:40p.m.~7:10p.m.(JST)/ 8:40a.m.~10:10a.m.(GMT) ◆Venue:Onsite Room 100(1F Research and lecture bldg.,TUFS)& Online(Zoom Meeting) ◆Language:English ◆Admission:FREE 【Please pre-register in advence from here】Or Use QR Code. Registration deadline: July 3, 2024 (Wed) * Registration will be closed when capacity is reached. Zoom information will be sent to your registered e-mail address by the morning of the seminar. ◆Co-organized by Kanto Branch of the Japan Association for African Studies
ASC Seminars
Monday June 3rd, 2024 5:40p.m.~ 7:10p.m. (JST)

The 90th "How to win trust when doing business in Africa"

Dr. Ebede Ndi, a native of Cameroon, will give a lecture at our center on the occasion of his stay in Japan. We look forward to welcoming those who are interested in doing business in Africa. ◆Title: How to win trust when doing business in Africa ◆Abstract: Africa has become an irreversible center for business opportunities in this century and the next. However, lack of trust, fear of the unknown and the related uncertainty to succeed in this new "gold rush" adventure still dominate the minds of many Asian business leaders. The shortage of proper equipment, training, and knowledge of African business culture prevents them from prioritizing their investment in this emerging large market. Regardless of your preferred business interests, building trust and overcoming psychological barrier is of paramount importance when doing business in Africa. This seminar will equip you with the required conceptual and practical tools and techniques in building trust with your African business partner when you finally decide to make a safe and profitable investment move. ◆Lecturer(Short Bio):Dr. Ebede Ndi is the founder of the Conceptual Institute, a think tank committed to doing research on African studies. He holds a Ph.D. in East-West psychology from the San Francisco-based California Institute of Integral Studies, where he taught courses on African-centered psychology and studies, research methods, and academic writing. In 2016, he moved to Taipei, Taiwan, where he now resides and where he gave workshops on cross-cultural communication at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, offered workshops at the National Taiwan Normal University, and taught courses on marketing, business English, and cross-cultural business communication at the National Taipei University of Technology. In January 2024, he was invited to offer a foundational workshop training at the Nanyang Technological University and the Singapore Business Federation's Center for African Studies in Singapore, where he received a universal ovation and recognition for the quality of the training. As a scholar, he believes that knowledge has no boundary, and learning has no end. ◆Date&Time:Monday 3 June, 2024 5:40p.m.~7:10p.m.(JST)/ 8:40a.m.~10:10a.m.(GMT) ◆Venue:Onsite Room207(2F Research and lecture bldg.,TUFS)& Online(Zoom Meeting) ◆Language:English ◆Admission fee:FREE 【Please pre-register in advence from here 】Or Use QR Code. Registration deadline: June 2, 2024 (Sun) * Registration will be closed when capacity is reached. Zoom information will be sent to your registered e-mail address by the morning of the seminar. ◆Co-organized by Kanto Branch of the Japan Association for African Studies Report The 90th ASC seminar was held on Monday 3 June, 2024 in a hybrid system. 15 participants were on-site and 15 online. Following the lecture emphasizing the importance of trust in business in Africa, lively discussion was continued. Some discussion points were as follows: improvement of vulnerable institutions before relying on trust; the relevance of discussion dealing all Africa in the same framework: theoretical bases for the analysis of trust.
ASC Seminars

Report on my stay in Japan ISEP ~From Rosemond~

26 September 2023 ~ 29 February 2024
Rosemond BOAKYE-TETTEH our former exchange student from University of Ghana, who studied in Japan from September 2023 to February 2024 wrote an essay of her stay in Japan.(Reprint article from Iafp) Please read it. Report on my stay in Japan ISEP Boakye-Tetteh Rosemond is my name. I studied and stayed at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies [TUFS], Japan as an exchange student under ISEP- [International Student Exchange Program] during Fall semester from 23rd September 2023 to February 28th, 2024. From the University of Ghana [Legon, Accra]. My experience as a foreign exchange student in Japan was an enriching journey that expanded my horizons, challenged my perspectives, and fostered deep connections with a vibrant culture. Over the course of my studies and stay, I had the privilege of immersing myself in the Japanese way of life, navigating through its bustling cities, embracing its traditions, and forming lasting friendships.This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of my experiences living in Japan, with a focus on memorable events, personal growth, and problems encountered. Additionally, it highlights my academic pursuits during my time as a foreign exchange student at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies [TUFS]. Two days after my arrival in Japan, I took this photo. You'll be astounded at the backstory of this image. I made the decision to go shopping and explore Tokyo as soon as I arrived. A woman I encountered in Fuchu -Miyachi begged me to let her outfit me in a traditional Japanese kimono so she could take pictures of me for her shop's advertisement as there isn't an African person wearing a kimono there. I was little apprehensive at first because I was surprised by this. I then said, "Let's do it." My heart melted at the woman's joy and happiness that my consent offered her. My life in Japan may be divided into two parts. For the major part as a student, my time in Japan provided me with invaluable opportunities for academic growth and cross-cultural exchange. As part of my program some of the courses included Japanese language, International Protection of Refugees [IPR], Aging and Public Policies in Contemporary Japan Society, Japanese Intellectual History among Middle Eastern Culture, American Racism through literature. During the weekends and on vacations, I engaged in a range of activities. Here is a photo of me doing a presentation on the popular traditional meal fufu from Ghana during a Japanese language class. Gaining proficiency in Japanese as a foreign language allowed me to get access to an unparalleled cultural universe and facilitated my learning of other East Asian languages, including the fundamentals of Chinese and Vietnamese. Because of its quirks, the Japanese language is full of harmony, vigor, and respect and is also very easy to grasp.Since I found learning the language to be a little difficult during my time there, learning Japanese required additional study and effort. Hopefully, I will visit Japan specifically to study the language. I took this photo in my aging and public policies in modern Japanese culture lecture after a presentation on dementia. I appreciated Dr. Yan Zi's lectures. She was good at coordinating with us students and provided us all the chance to participate to the policies our country has for the elderly. She also encouraged government and private donations to address the aging population. Her warm demeanor made me want to attend her classes every time. I happened to be the first student from Africa, she has taught. I'll always be reminded of these. My desire to work with the UNHCR was sparked by my lectures on the international protection of refugees, as I had previously had limited understanding and unfavorable prejudices about them. I completed a research assignment on the education of refugee children, using South Sudan as my case study, as required by the course. My interest in South Sudan has increased as a result of studying International Protection of Refugees. I had no idea how asylum seekers are decided in Japan and other countries, or even what constitutes a refugee under the 1951 Geneva Convention. My perspective has been expanded and my curiosity piqued by this course, and I am eager to pursue internships with refugee organizations in the future.On the cultural side of my studies, I wrote a research work on the role of the thinkers of Bakumatsu in Japan's modernization during the intellectual period history 1853-1868. I came across numerous powerful Socrates, Platos, and Aristotle's from Japan. Given that these intellectuals are responsible for Japan's advancements and enduring cultural legacy. Japanese culture is unique. ??Academic Experience Attending classes alongside Japanese students and other international students not only enhanced my language skills but also broadened my understanding of different educational systems and teaching methodologies. Collaborative projects and discussions allowed me to gain fresh perspectives on global issues and develop lifelong friendships with classmates from diverse backgrounds.Let's talk some fun memories. I used to be the indoor type until I got to Tokyo. From the moment I set foot in Japan, I was captivated by the richness of its culture. Whether it was participating in traditional tea ceremonies, which was somewhat regular gathering for my dormitory that is international residence dorm one, exploring historic temples and shrines, where I journeyed Kamakura Temple, the cultural history of the temple or indulging in the culinary delights of sushi and ramen, every experience was a window into the heart of Japan. I was particularly struck by the meticulous attention to detail evident in every aspect of daily life, from the graceful movements of a kimono-clad geisha to the intricately manicured gardens of Kyoto.I went to Vietnam for winter vacation and was greeted with a whole new and diverse culture, cuisine, and atmosphere. I also attended an English camp in Iwai and had a great time; I wish I could post pictures here, but I'm not allowed to.Below are few pictures I can share. We made the decision to travel to Odaiba, home of a replica of the US statue of Liberty is located, in honor of a friend's birthday. It's a pleasant location to go. This picture was taken at Vinh Yen- Khai Quang, a historic site. This was a visit to Kamakura temple. The rich history of the great Budda. I love Japanese culture. A friend like no other. ??Challenges and Adaptation While my experience in Japan was overwhelmingly positive, it was not without its challenges. Adapting to a new language, customs, and social norms required patience and perseverance. At times, I felt overwhelmed by the cultural differences and the pressure to assimilate. However, with the support from Student Exchange Division, lecturers, and fellow exchange students, I gradually found my footing and embraced the journey of self-discover. ??Personal Growth Living abroad as a foreign exchange student pushed me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to embrace uncertainty. Through moments of cultural exchange, language barriers, and exploration, I gained a deeper appreciation for diversity and the interconnectedness of our world.I emerged from my time in Japan with a newfound sense of resilience, empathy, and open-mindedness that continues to shape my perspective on life. ??Conclusion My experience as a foreign exchange student in Japan was a transformative chapter in my life, filled with unforgettable memories, meaningful connections, and invaluable lessons. Immersed in the beauty of Japan's culture and the warmth of its people, I grew not only as a student but as a global citizen. As I bid farewell to Japan, I carry with me a profound gratitude for the experiences that have shaped me and a deep longing to return to the Land of the Rising Sun someday. Arigatou gozaimasu, Japan, for welcoming me with open arms and leaving an indelible mark on my heart. A big thank you to my Dr. Kwame Adum-Kyeremeh, Head of History Department [University of Ghana], Madam Rosemary Tagoe Coordinator Study Abroad Office;[University of Ghana], Dr.Chihiro and MsYuko from IAfP, Student Exchange Division a big thank you all for your assistance, Toyota Ghana for their sponsorship, JASSO and the administration lastly to all my friends, I am forever indebted.
Exchange Students
Report on my stay in Japan ISEP

Message for my supporters from Peggy

April 8,2024 ~ July 29,2024
【Message from Peggy】 2024.4.8~2024.7.29 University of Zambia[Republic of Zambia] Konnichiwa, Mulibwanji, HelloMy name is Peggy Chamucisa from Zambia and a student Majoring in Development studies and International Relations, at The University of Zambia (UNZA).I like learning new things, interacting with friends, reading inspirational and educational books. I always like to stay positive all the time because I believe this is important for me as a leader, as I desire to make positive change around the world. I'm very happy to have been given this opportunity by TUFS, because I am looking forward to studying and understanding the methods and policies on how Japan has managed to develop and fight against climate change. and how best I can use that knowledge to develop my country. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).I thank the Inter-University Exchange Project Africa (IAfP) for taking care of my air flight tickets, and The African Studies Center at TUFS (ASC_TUFS) for accepting the offer in the learning program.Thank you so much to all my sponsors!
Exchange Students

Message for my supporters from Mupelwa

April 15, 2024
【Message for my supporters from Ms. Mpelwa】 2024.4.8~2024.7 University of Zambia[Republic of Zambia] Hello, Muli shani.My name is Mupelwa Namfukwe from Zambia, which is also known as the real Africa. I am a third year Development studies and project Management student at the University of Zambia.I am so excited to be a part of this exchange program. TUFS is a visual representation of a Global community as people from different parts of the world come together and share their culture in a country full and rich in culture.Therefore, I am looking forward to learn more about the Japanese language and third academia. My aim is to leave as a very knowledgeable student who will later share the knowledge gained to my home university.Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Japan student service organization (JASSO) and the Inter University Exchange Project (IAfP) for according me this opportunity.I am truly grateful and I'm looking forward to my stay here.
Exchange Students